Online trainingCZPilatesHealthy back Array
[sautor] => katka-vymazalova
[0] => WP_Term Object
[term_id] => 80
[name] => CZ
[slug] => czech
[term_group] => 0
[term_taxonomy_id] => 80
[taxonomy] => category
[description] =>
[parent] => 0
[count] => 620
[filter] => raw
[cat_ID] => 80
[category_count] => 620
[category_description] =>
[cat_name] => CZ
[category_nicename] => czech
[category_parent] => 0
[1] => WP_Term Object
[term_id] => 38
[name] => Online training
[slug] => online-en
[term_group] => 0
[term_taxonomy_id] => 38
[taxonomy] => category
[description] =>
Live streaming and comprehensive library
Exercises available anytime and anywhere
Professional Form Factory trainers
[parent] => 0
[count] => 662
[filter] => raw
[cat_ID] => 38
[category_count] => 662
[category_description] =>
Live streaming and comprehensive library
Exercises available anytime and anywhere
Professional Form Factory trainers
[cat_name] => Online training
[category_nicename] => online-en
[category_parent] => 0
[2] => WP_Term Object
[term_id] => 113
[name] => Pilates
[slug] => pilates-en
[term_group] => 0
[term_taxonomy_id] => 113
[taxonomy] => category
[description] => Pilates, or the Pilates method, is an exercise system that improves muscle control function, body flexibility, strength and breathing. Pilates is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the whole body, especially the deep ab-dominal muscles, the back and pelvic floor muscles. Pilates is an exercise system that improves muscle control, flexibility, strength and breathing technique. Pilates is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the whole body, especially the deep abdominal muscles, the back and pelvic floor muscles.
[parent] => 38
[count] => 74
[filter] => raw
[cat_ID] => 113
[category_count] => 74
[category_description] => Pilates, or the Pilates method, is an exercise system that improves muscle control function, body flexibility, strength and breathing. Pilates is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the whole body, especially the deep ab-dominal muscles, the back and pelvic floor muscles. Pilates is an exercise system that improves muscle control, flexibility, strength and breathing technique. Pilates is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the whole body, especially the deep abdominal muscles, the back and pelvic floor muscles.
[cat_name] => Pilates
[category_nicename] => pilates-en
[category_parent] => 38
[3] => WP_Term Object
[term_id] => 44
[name] => Healthy back
[slug] => healthy-back
[term_group] => 0
[term_taxonomy_id] => 44
[taxonomy] => category
[description] =>
[parent] => 38
[count] => 31
[filter] => raw
[cat_ID] => 44
[category_count] => 31
[category_description] =>
[cat_name] => Healthy back
[category_nicename] => healthy-back
[category_parent] => 38
Inštruktor skupinových lekcií
Jsem zastáncem filozofie, že sport je cestou nejen ke štíhlé postavě, ale především ke zdravému pohybovému aparátu a dobré náladě. Sama jsem začínala před více než 10 lety s orientálními tanci, které jsem začala postupně učit své kamarádky na kolejích. Tehdy jsem si uvědomila, že mě lektorování pohybových aktivit baví natolik, že by jsem se mu ráda věnovala i nadále na profesionální úrovni. S metodou pilates jsem se seznámila v roce 2007 a byla to láska na první pohled.
Ve svých hodinách kladu důraz na individuální přístup a pečlivé vysvětlení všech cviků, aby klienti odcházeli z hodin spokojení a nabití energií.