Difficulty Hard
Intensity 4
Exercise mat
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) These are short rounds of high intensity exercise followed by pauses for recovery, where motivation is based on overcoming physical and mental limits. The lesson is based on intervals to deliver maximum performance at each interval.
Online training 2655 Array
[sautor] => stephanie-szighardtova
[0] => WP_Term Object
[term_id] => 38
[name] => Online training
[slug] => online-en
[term_group] => 0
[term_taxonomy_id] => 38
[taxonomy] => category
[description] =>
Live streaming and comprehensive library
Exercises available anytime and anywhere
Professional Form Factory trainers
[parent] => 0
[count] => 662
[filter] => raw
[cat_ID] => 38
[category_count] => 662
[category_description] =>
Live streaming and comprehensive library
Exercises available anytime and anywhere
Professional Form Factory trainers
[cat_name] => Online training
[category_nicename] => online-en
[category_parent] => 0
Inštruktor skupinových lekcií
Ja a šport držíme ruka v ruke už od malička. Prešla som si rôznymi tancami k športovým hrám, atletike a nakoniec som sa stala trénerkou a inštruktorom vo fitness centrách.