10991 Array ( ) Array ( [0] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 66 [name] => Fitness [slug] => fitness [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 66 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 29 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 66 [category_count] => 29 [category_description] => [cat_name] => Fitness [category_nicename] => fitness [category_parent] => 0 ) [1] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 75 [name] => Tipy [slug] => tipy [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 75 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 46 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 75 [category_count] => 46 [category_description] => [cat_name] => Tipy [category_nicename] => tipy [category_parent] => 0 ) )

Tipy, ako pri hektickom životnom štýle nájsť každý deň čas pre seba

Zažili ste niekedy pocit, že už jednoducho nemôžete? Baterky vybité, nechuť nielen na prácu, ale…

10821 Array ( ) Array ( [0] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 66 [name] => Fitness [slug] => fitness [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 66 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 29 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 66 [category_count] => 29 [category_description] => [cat_name] => Fitness [category_nicename] => fitness [category_parent] => 0 ) [1] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 75 [name] => Tipy [slug] => tipy [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 75 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 46 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 75 [category_count] => 46 [category_description] => [cat_name] => Tipy [category_nicename] => tipy [category_parent] => 0 ) )

Základné piliere trendu Well-being

Svetová zdravotnícka organizácia (WHO) well-being definuje ako „stav životnej pohody, v ktorej každý jedinec realizuje svoj vlastný…

10735 Array ( ) Array ( [0] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 88 [name] => Cviky [slug] => cviky [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 88 [taxonomy] => category [description] => Máš pocit, že niektoré cviky ti jednoducho nejdú úplne ideálne? Potrebuješ ich viac vysvetliť a ukázať? Práve preto je tu táto kategória, kde ti vysvetlíme a ukážeme prevedenia rozličných cvikov. [parent] => 0 [count] => 30 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 88 [category_count] => 30 [category_description] => Máš pocit, že niektoré cviky ti jednoducho nejdú úplne ideálne? Potrebuješ ich viac vysvetliť a ukázať? Práve preto je tu táto kategória, kde ti vysvetlíme a ukážeme prevedenia rozličných cvikov. [cat_name] => Cviky [category_nicename] => cviky [category_parent] => 0 ) [1] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 66 [name] => Fitness [slug] => fitness [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 66 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 29 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 66 [category_count] => 29 [category_description] => [cat_name] => Fitness [category_nicename] => fitness [category_parent] => 0 ) [2] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 92 [name] => HealthFactory [slug] => healthfactory [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 92 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 170 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 92 [category_count] => 170 [category_description] => [cat_name] => HealthFactory [category_nicename] => healthfactory [category_parent] => 0 ) )

Ako nezísť z cesty a vydržať pri cvičení

Na začiatku vám chceme povedať, že z vás máme obrovskú radosť. Rozhodli ste sa niečo…

10558 Array ( ) Array ( [0] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 66 [name] => Fitness [slug] => fitness [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 66 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 29 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 66 [category_count] => 29 [category_description] => [cat_name] => Fitness [category_nicename] => fitness [category_parent] => 0 ) [1] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 92 [name] => HealthFactory [slug] => healthfactory [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 92 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 170 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 92 [category_count] => 170 [category_description] => [cat_name] => HealthFactory [category_nicename] => healthfactory [category_parent] => 0 ) [2] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 75 [name] => Tipy [slug] => tipy [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 75 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 46 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 75 [category_count] => 46 [category_description] => [cat_name] => Tipy [category_nicename] => tipy [category_parent] => 0 ) )

Motivácia nepríde

Cvičenie, motivácia a predsavzatia do nového roka. Všetci už vieme, že predsavzatia nefungujú. Jednoducho nefungujú. Mali…

10517 Array ( ) Array ( [0] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 66 [name] => Fitness [slug] => fitness [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 66 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 29 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 66 [category_count] => 29 [category_description] => [cat_name] => Fitness [category_nicename] => fitness [category_parent] => 0 ) [1] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 92 [name] => HealthFactory [slug] => healthfactory [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 92 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 170 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 92 [category_count] => 170 [category_description] => [cat_name] => HealthFactory [category_nicename] => healthfactory [category_parent] => 0 ) [2] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 90 [name] => Strava [slug] => strava [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 90 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 31 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 90 [category_count] => 31 [category_description] => [cat_name] => Strava [category_nicename] => strava [category_parent] => 0 ) [3] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 75 [name] => Tipy [slug] => tipy [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 75 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 46 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 75 [category_count] => 46 [category_description] => [cat_name] => Tipy [category_nicename] => tipy [category_parent] => 0 ) )

Ako si udržať fit-kondíciu v čase zemiakových šalátov, rezňov a koláčov

Vieme, že vianočný čas nie je len o jedle a vaječnom koňaku. Ale realita býva v…

10512 Array ( ) Array ( [0] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 88 [name] => Cviky [slug] => cviky [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 88 [taxonomy] => category [description] => Máš pocit, že niektoré cviky ti jednoducho nejdú úplne ideálne? Potrebuješ ich viac vysvetliť a ukázať? Práve preto je tu táto kategória, kde ti vysvetlíme a ukážeme prevedenia rozličných cvikov. [parent] => 0 [count] => 30 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 88 [category_count] => 30 [category_description] => Máš pocit, že niektoré cviky ti jednoducho nejdú úplne ideálne? Potrebuješ ich viac vysvetliť a ukázať? Práve preto je tu táto kategória, kde ti vysvetlíme a ukážeme prevedenia rozličných cvikov. [cat_name] => Cviky [category_nicename] => cviky [category_parent] => 0 ) [1] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 66 [name] => Fitness [slug] => fitness [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 66 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 29 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 66 [category_count] => 29 [category_description] => [cat_name] => Fitness [category_nicename] => fitness [category_parent] => 0 ) [2] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 92 [name] => HealthFactory [slug] => healthfactory [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 92 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 170 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 92 [category_count] => 170 [category_description] => [cat_name] => HealthFactory [category_nicename] => healthfactory [category_parent] => 0 ) [3] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 75 [name] => Tipy [slug] => tipy [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 75 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 46 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 75 [category_count] => 46 [category_description] => [cat_name] => Tipy [category_nicename] => tipy [category_parent] => 0 ) )

Prečo je zima najlepší čas na návštevu fitka

Keď udrie zima, je veľmi lákavé prejsť do režimu hibernácie, zlenivieť a zostať doma so…

10471 Array ( ) Array ( [0] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 88 [name] => Cviky [slug] => cviky [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 88 [taxonomy] => category [description] => Máš pocit, že niektoré cviky ti jednoducho nejdú úplne ideálne? Potrebuješ ich viac vysvetliť a ukázať? Práve preto je tu táto kategória, kde ti vysvetlíme a ukážeme prevedenia rozličných cvikov. [parent] => 0 [count] => 30 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 88 [category_count] => 30 [category_description] => Máš pocit, že niektoré cviky ti jednoducho nejdú úplne ideálne? Potrebuješ ich viac vysvetliť a ukázať? Práve preto je tu táto kategória, kde ti vysvetlíme a ukážeme prevedenia rozličných cvikov. [cat_name] => Cviky [category_nicename] => cviky [category_parent] => 0 ) [1] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 66 [name] => Fitness [slug] => fitness [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 66 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 29 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 66 [category_count] => 29 [category_description] => [cat_name] => Fitness [category_nicename] => fitness [category_parent] => 0 ) [2] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 92 [name] => HealthFactory [slug] => healthfactory [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 92 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 170 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 92 [category_count] => 170 [category_description] => [cat_name] => HealthFactory [category_nicename] => healthfactory [category_parent] => 0 ) [3] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 75 [name] => Tipy [slug] => tipy [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 75 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 46 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 75 [category_count] => 46 [category_description] => [cat_name] => Tipy [category_nicename] => tipy [category_parent] => 0 ) )

Zlá nálada sa vyskytuje u každého z mnohých rôznych dôvodov.

Niekedy to spôsobí nedostatok spánku, inokedy ste v strese, alebo jednoducho niekto urobí niečo, čo…

9774 Array ( ) Array ( [0] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 66 [name] => Fitness [slug] => fitness [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 66 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 29 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 66 [category_count] => 29 [category_description] => [cat_name] => Fitness [category_nicename] => fitness [category_parent] => 0 ) [1] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 92 [name] => HealthFactory [slug] => healthfactory [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 92 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 170 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 92 [category_count] => 170 [category_description] => [cat_name] => HealthFactory [category_nicename] => healthfactory [category_parent] => 0 ) )

Rolling a jeho pozitívne účinky na naše telo

Ak čítate tento článok, s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou patríte k zástancom zdravého životného štýlu, s ktorým súvisí aj pravidelný pohyb. Zrejme teda pravidelne vykonávate fyzickú aktivitu. Myslíte ale aj na regeneráciu svojich svalov?

9302 Array ( ) Array ( [0] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 66 [name] => Fitness [slug] => fitness [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 66 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 29 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 66 [category_count] => 29 [category_description] => [cat_name] => Fitness [category_nicename] => fitness [category_parent] => 0 ) )

Cvičením rastú prsia

Jasné, všetci tak nejako vieme, ako to s tým rastom pŕs a cvičením je. Cieleným cvičením na konkrétnu časť tela naozaj docielime svalové zväčšenie v danej oblasti. To je jednoducho fakt. Pokiaľ je teda váš cieľ masívny hrudník, nie je čo riešiť.

9011 Array ( ) Array ( [0] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 66 [name] => Fitness [slug] => fitness [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 66 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 29 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 66 [category_count] => 29 [category_description] => [cat_name] => Fitness [category_nicename] => fitness [category_parent] => 0 ) [1] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 75 [name] => Tipy [slug] => tipy [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 75 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 46 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 75 [category_count] => 46 [category_description] => [cat_name] => Tipy [category_nicename] => tipy [category_parent] => 0 ) )

Ako som začala ja…

V dnešnom modernom svete je pre mladého človeka, ktorý je obklopený sociálnymi sieťami, občas trochu…

7578 Array ( ) Array ( [0] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 66 [name] => Fitness [slug] => fitness [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 66 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 29 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 66 [category_count] => 29 [category_description] => [cat_name] => Fitness [category_nicename] => fitness [category_parent] => 0 ) [1] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 92 [name] => HealthFactory [slug] => healthfactory [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 92 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 170 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 92 [category_count] => 170 [category_description] => [cat_name] => HealthFactory [category_nicename] => healthfactory [category_parent] => 0 ) )

Anti aging tréning – odporúčanie

Pri procese oddialenia starnutia sa dá povedať, že akýkoľvek tréning je lepšie ako žiadne. Pri…

7572 Array ( ) Array ( [0] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 66 [name] => Fitness [slug] => fitness [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 66 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 29 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 66 [category_count] => 29 [category_description] => [cat_name] => Fitness [category_nicename] => fitness [category_parent] => 0 ) [1] => WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 92 [name] => HealthFactory [slug] => healthfactory [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 92 [taxonomy] => category [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 170 [filter] => raw [cat_ID] => 92 [category_count] => 170 [category_description] => [cat_name] => HealthFactory [category_nicename] => healthfactory [category_parent] => 0 ) )

Sedavé zamestnanie – tichý zabijak?

Dlhé sedenie pri počítači, ale aj za volantom apod. Nášmu zdraviu vôbec neprospieva a to najmä,…